The trick to writing a great business blog is to realize that you are not just selling your products, you are also selling yourself. If you can't sell yourself then others are not likely to buy from you. This is why writing a blog can actually be detrimental to individuals who are selling a product they don't really believe in or who are simply just terrible when it comes to expressing themselves. A lack of enthusiasm is also really damaging and stealing from other sites can actually sabotage your business completely.
Remember that unlike other business situations, blogging means that you have to sell is yourself. Others have to buy into your beliefs and opinions and give you credibility as an expert. If you seem like the type of writer who doesn't know what he or she is talking about or can't back up their opinions with research or facts then the blog may even damage your sales.
A successful blog can become a prime piece of web space upon which others will want to post their advertising and links if you can create a blog that attracts thousands of visitors. However keep in mind that in order to keep your readers that you will do much better through convincing them through the written word that you are behind the people who link to you rather than just linking to whoever offers.
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